Saving Species Worldwide


Saving Species Worldwide

While working as an Art Director and Senior Graphic Designer at the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, a global non-profit conservation organization, I created several print and digital campaigns. I particularly enjoyed designing a print piece for the Institute of Conservation Research, the organization’s conservation science division. Their work reaches across the globe and including a laboratory in southern California, where they address complex and urgent conservation challenges. The purpose of this specific piece was to offer a glimpse into the wide range of projects undertaken by the dedicated scientists, aiming to generate interest and support through grants and donations.

San Diego Zoo Global Institute for Conservation Research: Saving Species Worldwide
San Diego Zoo Global Institute for Conservation Research: Saving Species Worldwide

We created this piece to give a thorough overview of a wide-range of the current and past conservation projects, while also being easily digestible and visually stunning.

San Diego Zoo Global Institute for Conservation Research: Saving Species Worldwide
San Diego Zoo Global Institute for Conservation Research: Saving Species Worldwide

This entire piece can be found on the ICR website. However, there’s something truly special about holding the physical publication in your hands. It’s printed on uncoated paper and features breathtaking photos from ICR partners around the globe. If you enjoy this piece, you might also like the print appeals or the digital email newsletter I created during my time at SDZWA.


Written By: Mary Sekulovich & Judy Kinsell  |  Printer: Neyenesch 

© San Diego Zoo Global. All rights reserved. 

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